Human-centered systems
Human being at the heart of digital world
This department aims to add value to your projects by integrating Human being (his physiological, motor and cognitive skills) at the center of design.
Considering the Human being, understanding his profession, his environment, his practices and his needs are necessary to improve the acceptability of innovative uses, especially with digital technology and thus, associated sales.

Studying the Human-Machine interaction during the production steps enables to emphasize your product from its design to its fabrication. Our know-how consists in elaborating innovative methodologies to better understand the use and the user that are more adapted to your product and your company needs for:
- Interfaces usability
- Man-machine authority sharing
- Performance otimization of training and learning methods using new technologies
- Integration of Human being in immersive technologies (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality) and new technologies
- Acceptability of innovative uses
Our methodologies come from scientific research, applied to the industrial world, based on behavioural, cognitive and phychological analysis, user tests, questionnaires, interviews, qualitative and quantitative data, etc. which can be adapted to any field, context and product.
All members of our team are Engineers and PhDs with background in cognitive, social and human sciences. Therefore, they combine expertise and experience of both private and public environment to help our partners consider Human being (his needs, characteristics, experiences, …) in innovative projects. Based on scientific methods crossing users’ data (qualitative, quantitative, questionnaires, etc.) and digital tools (AR, VR, artificial vision, physiological measurements, …), the Human-Systems interaction can be quantified and characterized, enabling CATIE to advise its partners for them to optimize User experience and increase its acceptability.

The Technological Innovation Platform dedicated to the evaluation of Human Factor
PEAC²H, a platform dedicated to behavioural and cognitive assessment will be launched in 2020. It will enable companies to better integrate Human beings into complex and innovative systems via, among other things, online services, assessment protocols and methodological tools.

and data

Human-centered systems

Cyber-physical systems